Overcoming Homeschool Fears

"I think the secret to Pa and Ma Ingalls making it through so many hard experiences was their commitment to not give way to their emotions, to take their thoughts captive."
-Jennifer Pepito, "Mothering By the Book"

There are so many opportunities to find fear and for fear to find us.
Sometimes it slowly creeps in and at times it can come on suddenly, catching us by surprise.

As homeschoolers we can take on fear, not just as their mothers, but as their educators as well. Books such as The Little House series and the many others that Jennifer Pepito quotes in her book "Mothering by the Book: The Power of Reading Aloud to Overcome Fear and Recapture Joy" can encourage us to remember to take our thoughts captive.

One of the best ways that we can accomplish that is by abiding in the Word and in prayer.
Another way that we can overcome fear in homeschooling is by staying present.
Some ways that Jennifer encourages us to stay present in Mothering by the Book are to:

1. Stop looking at our phones
2. Simplify meals
3. Simplify Home Care
4. Simplify School
5. Notice the Beauty

You can find so much encouragement to overcome fear, to stay present, and to ground yourself in truth in "Mothering by the Book" here and where most books are sold.

How have you overcome homeschool fears?