Ocean Themed Learning

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The beach is our favorite place to relax and rest, but it's also a wonderful place to learn and a wonderful place to learn about. The sensory input of waves, sand, and seashells awaken learning in young children and engage their imagination. 

There are so many ways to bring ocean themed learning into our homes, and our new The Ocean Guide has been created to make the transition from summer fun into fall learning, a playful one. The unit includes developmentally appropriate learning activities to refine large and fine motor skills, phonics and counting skills, and listening skills as your children grow.


The Ocean Guide includes the same components as our well loved, The Peaceful Preschool, with whimsical, ocean-themed counting, phonics, practical life, and motor skills activities to make learning feel like play.

A Few Favorite Activities From The Guide:

1. Count and sort seashells.

2. Hide cotton ball "sea turtle eggs", in sand. Use tongs to collect and count the eggs.

3. Read ocean themed poetry (included in the guide).

4. Do a crab walk.

5. Make a seashell mobile.

6. Make an octopus craft.

7. Measure and stir salt into water.

8. Fish counting game.

As you do these simple activities with your children, you are building memories, while simultaneously building pathways in the brain that will enable your child to excel in school, and give them the imagination and confidence to help them excel in life.

Do you need help choosing a writing or math curriculum? We share our favorites here and here.

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