Picture Books About Nature

“A love of nature, implanted so early that it will seem to them hereafter to have been born in them, will enrich their lives with pure interests, absorbing pursuits, health, and good humour.”

-Charlotte Mason

One of the best tools that we have at our disposal to teach our children and to allow them to discover and explore can be found right outside our doors. 

Children not only learn and discover in nature but the health benifits abound from fresh air, sunshine, playing in dirt, mud, puddles, streams and more. 

Nourishing Nature Kindergarten helps our children to develop a strong connection with creation early on. 

We have chosen books that highlight different biomes that will create engaging lessons and a strong foundation for upper-level academics. 

Here are a few of our favorites:

 🌳 TREES -

A Seed is Sleepy by Diana Hutts Aston

Nature Anatomy by Julia Rothman or as a part of the anatomy boxed set The Julia Rothman Collection: Farm Anatomy, Nature Anatomy, and Food Anatomy to save on all three books.

What is your favorite nature biome to study and discover with your children?

What are your favorite nature books?

You can find more book recommendations from The Peaceful Press at our Amazon Bookstore here.

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