DIY Pom Poms & Preschool Activities

At The Peaceful Preschool we love all things hand made. So when our Letter A unit was being curated, and we needed pom poms, it was only natural that we go ahead and, well, make them! The kids love being a part of this process, why not make some today!

DIY Pom Poms


Red and green yarn

1 1/2" square piece of stiff cardboard


  • Cut a 6” piece of yarn.

  • Using the large yarn ball, wrap yarn 40 times around the cardboard.

  • Carefully, without messing up the loops, slide the wrapped yarn off of the cardboard.

  • Using the 6” piece of yarn, tie a tight knot around the middle of the looped yarn, so that you have two groups of looped yarn on either side of the tied piece.

  • Slide a scissor into the loops and cut them open all the way around.

  • Fluff the pom-pom.

Incorporating hands-on activities in homeschooling can enhance the learning experience, promote skill development, and make learning more enjoyable and engaging for children.

Here are 10 ways to include Pom Poms in your homeschool lessons.

1. Pom Pom Sorting: Provide a variety of colored pom poms and small containers. Encourage children to sort the pom poms by color into the corresponding containers.

2. Pom Pom Painting: Dip pom poms into paint and let children use them as paintbrushes to create colorful artwork on paper.

3. Pom Pom Toss: Set up a target using a large container or hoop. Have children take turns tossing pom poms into the target, aiming for different point values.

4. Pom Pom Sensory Bin: Fill a bin with different textures and materials such as rice, sand, or fabric scraps. Hide pom poms within the bin and let children explore and find them using their hands or small tools.

5. Pom Pom Patterns: Create pattern cards using different colored pom poms. Have children replicate the patterns using their own pom poms.

6. Pom Pom Counting: Use pom poms as manipulatives for counting activities. Have children count out a specific number of pom poms or use them to represent numbers in simple addition or subtraction problems.

7. Pom Pom Puppets: Glue pom poms onto popsicle sticks or clothespins to create cute puppets. Encourage children to use their puppets to tell stories or put on a puppet show.

8. Pom Pom Collage: Provide children with a variety of materials such as paper, glue, and pom poms. Let them create their own collages using the pom poms as a focal point.

9. Pom Pom Threading: Thread pom poms onto string or pipe cleaners to create necklaces or bracelets. This activity helps develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

10. Pom Pom Toss and Catch: Have children toss pom poms back and forth to each other using cups or small buckets as catchers. This activity promotes hand-eye coordination and teamwork.